
I pride myself on bringing the love, dialogue, and kindness needed to meet any client at their current mindset; Together we will foster growth using tailored resources and
transformative transitions, yielding blossoming confidence


Pantry Reset

  • Full Email Support
  • 25GB of Storage
  • 5 Domains
  • 10 Email Addresses


per month

Sign Up

Family On The Go

  • Full Email Support
  • 25GB of Storage
  • 5 Domains
  • 10 Email Addresses


per month

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Specialty Diet

  • Full Email Support
  • 25GB of Storage
  • 5 Domains
  • 10 Email Addresses


per month

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Freezer / Fridge Stocking

  • Full Email Support
  • 25GB of Storage
  • 5 Domains
  • 10 Email Addresses


per month

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Never Cooked Before

  • Full Email Support
  • 25GB of Storage
  • 5 Domains
  • 10 Email Addresses


per month

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Eating Out Guides

  • Full Email Support
  • 25GB of Storage
  • 5 Domains
  • 10 Email Addresses


per month

Sign Up
Format For the Consultation

Three Ways to Connect:

  • Phone
  • Zoom
  • In Person (Hawaii Island)

Consultations Are One Hour:

  • Discussion of Pre-Consultation intake form with any notes from the client
  • Discovering Past Experiences around Food
  • Combining Future Goals with financial, social, home life flow
  • Questions and Hesitations
  • Written follow up with resources and recommendations
What You Will Gain or Receive

On The Call

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After The Call

Lorem ipsum dolor ante venenatis dapibus posuere.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is How it Works

Free Evaluation Call

Pre-Call Questionaire

15 Minute Call

Discuss Goals & Obstacles

Outline Our Plan

Commit to a Plan

Package Details

1:1 video / phone time

Actions for Immediate Progress

Well Defined Goals

Post Session Summary Email

Focus on You, Not My Agenda

Personally Tailored

Weekly Resource Guides

Meal Plans

Email Dialogue between calls

Home & work pantry setup

Shopping List Assistance

Why Trust Dan With Your Nourishment?


Classically french trained; extensive experience with specialty diets, personalized meal plans, and integretion of food into varying family dynanics. Experience as live in chef for the ultra wealthy, customized meals for professional athletes/Olympians as well as in home meals for the developmentally disabled adult community.


You are the main attraction, not my ego nor my perogative. I practice self care and self love to ensure my responses and assistance come from a place of connection to your goals; rather than coming from a place of "knowing whats right" I do not push my view of eating styles, rather help you optimize and achieve goals outlined by your own goals/desires.

Client Driven

99.9% of the world may resonate with an approach. But If you are that .1% it doesn’t matter. I make you matter, as i tailor resources to meet your evolving needs and goals. You may or may not start from a place of knowing what eating style you want to follow, or you may change your mind after a couple of consultations; both scenarios are welcomed and encouraged, as we often do not know many details until we get started trying approaches.


  • “I have been an avid weightlifter my entire life…I am now a national level competitor in the 275 pound, raw power lifting division. ..Something about this man was different…his knowledge of health was outstanding… Now, we have all heard the vegan trends pounded down our throats much like an over-exuberant pastor or priest…Dan was not this way. As someone who puts his body under heavy loads topping out in the seven to eight hundred pound range, I do not think I could ever fully drop meat from my diet. I however was pleasantly surprised when I found out that this was not in Dan’s plan for me, rather he wanted to add in key ingredients that my diet was lacking, which were causing major nutritional deficiencies that have given me health problems for YEARS! …When I get sick, I go to Dan and take his advice. He now has me doing a daily regiment tailored to my needs. The man does not treat you like a client, he treats you as a friend.”    — Matt P.

  • “It was so overwhelming until you came! Not only were you full of incredible information, but
    you had “been there,” that was so reassuring. “ –Bev C.

  • “You’re the first person who has inspired me to be an active participant in my life and find what makes me happy without pressure.  Words can’t express my thanks.”  — Kayla H.